
A teacher by trade, I bake for fun and to learn new tricks. I like the scientific precision of good baking; of course the satisfaction of making something that is exceptionally tasty is a reward in and of itself. This blog will showcase:

  • recipes I make from various sources and the events they are for (my cookbooks are listed here);
  • my chocolate cake club (currently two members), where I systematically work through chocolate cake and brownie recipes and comment on ease of making, fudginess of texture, chocolate intensity, appearance, sweetness and rave audiences;
  • periodic reviews of games and/or books that I’m excited about.

Games? What do games have to do with cooking and baking? Well, the tenuous connection is that when we have people over to play board games I always bake up a storm. To keep up energy levels for longer strategy games. But the real reason is that I want to have a place where I can write about games I have, I play, and I like. Just like baking, a good strategy game can be played with scientific precision, but the strategy can be amended according to individual player preference and resources available.

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